Puzzle Picture, Day 1!
Watch for our September 2017 Door Prize Winner announcement later this week!
Watch for our September 2017 Door Prize Winner announcement later this week!
This is a horn carried by Madison Grose in the Civil War. Madison was a son of General Grose.
Any ideas?
Hint: This item was carried in the Civil War to lead troops musically. Extra entries if you know who carried it!
Last week of September…that means a door prize drawing is coming up! Get those correct guesses in!
This is a baby carriage cover, probably used in the 1890s! It was presented by Sarah Hall and belonged to her mother, Bertha Harvey Hall. It is red and cream…
Correct guesses will be entered into our September 2017 door prize drawing!
Any ideas yet?
This item was part of our 2016 Needlework Exhibit!