Township Trivia!
Miles M. Moore (1836-1886) was the founder of Mooreland. Today’s trivia is from the 1853 assessor’s book. How many white males over the age 21 were assessed that year in…
Miles M. Moore (1836-1886) was the founder of Mooreland. Today’s trivia is from the 1853 assessor’s book. How many white males over the age 21 were assessed that year in…
Happy Monday morning! There are nine cemeteries located in Stoney Creek Township: Bundy/Bechtelheimer, Peter Current, Buck Creek Baptist, Rogersville, Blountsville, Westbury Friends, Hodson, Moore, and Finch/Christian Friends. Today’s trivia finds…
Come see us on the first Saturday of the month and your visit is on us! We are open from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Saturdays so make sure…
Summit Lake State Park is partially located in Stoney Creek Township and has been since 1988. Last Stoney Creek Township question of the week: How many cemeteries are located in…
The picture of the school was the Kerr Hill School in District No. 5. The first building was built in 1840 and replaced in 1911. What state park is partially…
The number of males aged 21 years and older assessed in 1853 in Stoney Creek Township was 200. Today’s trivia: Who is the town Blountsville named after?
Last Friday, the picture of the happy group of folks was taken in August 1898 during a picnic at Shiveley’s Park in Prairie Township. A great picture of people having…
Thursday’s trivia was a photo of the Wampler homestead, located north of Mount Summit. From the 1982 Spring Historicalog: “This is the Wampler Homestead, north of Mt. Summit, Prairie Township,…
Yesterday’s trivia answer: Evans Cemetery. This cemetery was part of the Lick Creek Regular Baptist Church, founded in 1836. The church disbanded in the early 1860s. Today’s trivia: This is…