Shade of the Raintree Sale!
Big sale! Shade of the Raintree (Centennial edition, signed) is on sale Thursday through Sunday, October 4 through 7! Just $16.05 total ($15 plus 7% tax). Written by author Ross…
New Notecards in Gift Shop!
**UPDATE** New scenes added..check them out! We now have available notecards designed by local octogenarian artist Joseph Duncan, born and raised in Blountsville! Click here to get more information!
Return to Raintree County Ceremony
We are very excited and honored to be included in this upcoming ceremony! Seventy years ago, Raintree County debuted as a novel written by Henry Countian Ross Lockridge, Jr. His…
September Happenings!
What’s on tap in September? Lots of opportunities to come see us!
First Saturday=Free Admission!
September 1 is free admission at HCHS! This also includes longer hours…we’ll be open 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. If you’re looking for something to do this holiday weekend, come…
Kroger Community Rewards Update!
If you have selected HCHS as the recipient of your Community Rewards on your Kroger Plus Card, we have a new number! It is MG278. Mine changed automatically, but you…
August 2018 Events and a Peek at September
Wednesday, August 1: Quarterly Historicalog is available here! Click on “July” for a .pdf version. Thursday, August 2: National Coloring Book Day…get Shades of Yesterday, a one-of-a-kind HCHS coloring book,…