Hot Off the Press!
The October 2020 Historicalog is here!
New Historicalog Available to All
Access the 2020 April/August Historicalog under the About Us tab!
New Digitized Item Added!
We received a fascinating donation recently, an original 1906 New Castle Telephone Company directory. With permission from the donor, we have digitized it so you can see it online or come visit us and see a paper copy (we handle the original very little). Please enjoy!
Museum After Hours…April 2019
Are any of your ancestors immigrants? Watch this PowerPoint to learn how to search for them online!
Memorial Park Book is Here!
The wait is over…Mark Sean Orr’s book has arrived! Click here for more info!
Christmas Tea Planned
We hope to see you there!
Email Sign-Up List
If you want to stay in the loop via email about what is happening at HCHS, sign up to be on our email list. This is for nonmembers only (we already have contact info for our members!). You set your own preferences and can unsubscribe at any time.
Museum Will Be Closed Saturday, March 24, 2018!
Due to the forecast inclement weather heading toward east-central Indiana on Saturday, March 24, the Museum will be closed. We will reopen on Wednesday, March 28, at 1 p.m. Hope to see you soon!
Cannon Restoration Fund
Did you know: The restoration of the WWI cannon that sits atop Legion Hill is being completed by the hard work of volunteers? Did you know: The Henry County Historical Society is affiliated with the Cannon Restoration Fund? To support the Cannon Restoration Fund, donations may be sent to the Henry County Historical Society (please…