Calling All Henry County History/Social Studies Teachers!
The Henry County Historical Society & Museum would like to invite you to a special Teacher Day at the museum on Wednesday, July 13, 2016, at 1 p.m.
The Henry County Historical Society & Museum would like to invite you to a special Teacher Day at the museum on Wednesday, July 13, 2016, at 1 p.m.
Yesterday’s trivia was about the Avon Club in Knightstown, a group of lady authors who penned a novel titled Dorothea, each lady writing a chapter, published around 1905. Each lady…
Raysville was known for its nurseries! What did these ladies do to make Knightstown known to the world at the turn of the century? Save
Charles A. Beard is the answer to yesterday’s trivia question. Here is some more information about this well-known Wayne Township resident: Today, we know that New Castle had its roses,…
Wayne Township was named for General Anthony Wayne. Who was this man? He was born in 1874 and graduated from Knightstown High School in 1891. He is regarded as some…
Kennard was known for its tulips! This week, we begin Wayne Township trivia. There is a lot to Wayne Township so we’ll go 2 weeks with these facts! Who was…
The cheese plant was Kraft Cheese Company from yesterday’s trivia. Our final Greensboro Township trivia: Even though New Castle was known for its roses, Kennard was known for its _________…
The man mentioned four times on the musical program for the Addisonians’ Exhibition was William Seaford. What cheese plant was planning on coming to Shirley in 1927? Starts with a…
The town of Kennard was named for resident Jenkins Kennard who came with his parents to Greensboro Township in 1834 at the age of 8 from Belmont County, Ohio. …
The man who had the vision and created the Mt. Lawn Speedway was Dr. George W. Sweigart. …