Trivia Time!
Franklin Township was formed on January 1, 1830. Our final trivia question about Franklin Township is this: The land for this church was deeded on August 31, 1835. What church…
Franklin Township was formed on January 1, 1830. Our final trivia question about Franklin Township is this: The land for this church was deeded on August 31, 1835. What church…
The home pictured yesterday was built by John Berger from Virginia, circa 1828. Here is an article written by his great-great-great-granddaughter: Today’s trivia: What year was Franklin Township officially formed?
Yesterday’s picture was of the Rich Square schoolhouse. This Franklin Township home made a new home at Conner Prairie. Whose home was it?
John Parker was appointed on December 1, 1899 as Lewisville’s rural mail carrier. What schoolhouse was this?
Last week’s final trivia for Spiceland Township was Cephas M. Huddleston. Check out more of his glass plate photos online at the Indiana Historical Society! I noticed that on one…
Our country celebrates its independence from Britain on July 4. On this day, American citizens celebrate in many different ways. In Henry County, we have celebrated with fireworks from Memorial…
Ogden was laid out in 1829. Abraham Lincoln’s Funeral Train passed through Ogden in the early morning hours of Sunday, April 30, 1865, on its way to Indianapolis. Final Spiceland…
Hoover Hall was built in 1875. The town of Ogden was laid out in what year? This is a picture found in the Spiceland Township file. It looks very summery!
Small historical museum seeking part-time Executive Director. Public speaking abilities and computer skills required. Experience with grant writing is desirable. Send cover letter and resume to: Henry County Historical Society…