Business & Industry Trivia Day 10!
Yesterday’s picture was of the remains of the chimney at the Nip & Tuck Club, which was located on the State Hospital grounds north of New Castle. This interesting newspaper…
Yesterday’s picture was of the remains of the chimney at the Nip & Tuck Club, which was located on the State Hospital grounds north of New Castle. This interesting newspaper…
J.M. Gough built his 2-story brick store in the year 1884 in the 1500 block of Broad Street. Gough was one of the earliest wagon and plow makers, an early…
New Castle Coil Hoop Factory, owned by Harry E. Jennings! What year was J.M. Gough’s building built?
The smokestack was located at the Diamond Containers factory on S. 14th Street. It was built in 1918 and stood 158 feet tall. This is a picture of what factory? …
The Upham Barbershop was located in the basement of the Courthouse! Where was this smokestack located (picture is of the stack being taken down)?
Come early for a tour! We’re open 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. and free admission! Local artisan Kathy Denney of the Woman In The Moon Art Studio will be on…
Our Kmart opened its doors in 1975 and closed them in 1994. Who remembers Blue Light Specials? These barbers formed the Upham Barbershop. Where was their shop located?
Bricks is the correct answer for yesterday’s trivia question! What year did our Kmart open? Save
The answer for yesterday’s trivia was Felix J. Trainor of the Trainor National Spring Company! Who knows what this factory produced?
For yesterday, a manufacturer who had 600 employees in 1903…not Maxwell-Briscoe, not the Rolling Mill…it was the Krell-French Piano Company! Their weekly wages? $6,000, the total of everyone’s paycheck, from…