We are very excited and honored to be included in this upcoming ceremony! Seventy years ago, Raintree County debuted as a novel written by Henry Countian Ross Lockridge, Jr. His novel was then turned into a screenplay by MGM and nominated for four Academy Awards. Elizabeth Taylor and Montgomery Clift brought to life the lead characters, and actor Christopher Riordan, who is in the unedited version, became friends with Taylor and Clift. Mr. Riordan has graciously given a lilac bush to be planted on the Museum’s grounds in honor of the friendship borne of this film.
At the same time, Professor Larry Lockridge, son of Ross Lockridge, Jr., donated a new Golden Raintree for the Henry County Courthouse grounds. Tying these two events together seemed like the right thing to do.
Due to their busy schedules, Dr. Lockridge and Mr. Riordan both sent their remarks to be given at each ceremony.
We hope you’ll join us on Sunday, October 7, to recognize these symbols from the story of Raintree County. There will also be a special announcement made regarding upcoming Henry County events that you will not want to miss!